Oval Cut

  • The “What To Know Before You Go” Diamond Buying Guide


    Not many things in life carry the emotional thrill that comes with buying the perfect piece for the one you want to spend forever with. If you’re starting to venture into this world of diamond buying, let this guide help you make educated and stress free decisions. Here are  Five Tips to consider before you go ring shopping.

    Tip 1: Have a clear understanding of the 4 C’s of Diamond Buying

    The 4 C’s of diamond buying include: Cut, Clarity, Carat and Color. Having a basic understanding of these 4 diamond characteristics will help you have better conversations with your jeweler and offer you the vocabulary to ask important questions with. 

    Tip 2: Set a budget that works for you. 

    Forget every rule of thumb you’ve heard in the past, and instead make sure you are comfortable with the amount you’re looking to spend. This number will also enable your jeweler to show you all that’s possible. Because of our customized approach, we have engagement rings that fit every budget and style. We do not work off commission so you can feel confident knowing that this will be a stress free experience. 

    Tip 3: Decide which of the 4 C’s will be most important to you and your partner. 

    For some, carat size is the most important, while others focus on color or clarity, but the “C” that determines the sparkle/luster and beauty of a diamond is the cut. Some other things to also consider are colored diamonds or fancy cut non-traditional diamonds.  

    Tip 4: Understanding the role Table Size plays in a diamond. 

    Table size or table percentages indicate the ratio of the width of the diamond's top facet (table) in relation to the width of the entire stone. When it comes to diamond tables, bigger is not always better. If the diamond table is too large, the upper facets on the crown will lack the room to disperse light. Generally, the best-looking diamonds have table sizes in the range of 55% to 60% (measured as a percentage of the diameter of the diamond). The size of the table is more important in larger diamonds, say over 1/2 ct.

    Tip 5: Verify that it is a GIA certified diamond

    Feel confident asking to see the diamond certificate. This is a monumental purchase so of course you want to know that what you’re buying is authentic and conflict free. GIA tests every diamond submitted to establish its authenticity as a diamond and whether it's been subjected to treatments. GIA reports provide a full description of the diamond, including color, weight, measurements, and cutting style, and will disclose any known treatments.

    At La Bijouterie, our sole purpose is to help couples achieve a milestone moment in their lives any way we can. We believe in quality over quantity, and educating always. Before pulling the trigger on such an important decision, book a no stress 30 minute 1:1 appointment.

    At Your Service,

    Set F.

    Founder, La Bijouterie

  • The Engagement Ring You Can’t Put a Price To

    Princess Harry Engagement Ring

    By now most have heard the exciting news that Prince Harry has proposed to American actress and humanitarian, Meghan Markle. The ring he designed for the proposal is nothing shy of dazzling! It incorporates a large center stone from Botswana (a place near to both of their hearts), and two smaller size diamonds from his late Mother, Princess Diana.

    The value of such a ring is quite simply put-- priceless. This is primarily due to the history of the side diamonds, as well as the size of the center stone.

    According to an article written by Real Men, Real Style, in “British law, heirlooms were moveable properties that had to be inherited through the family estate. You could sell one that you owned while you were alive, but once you died, it couldn’t be willed away from the family.

    These days, the law is obsolete, even in Great Britain’s landed classes. But the concept — a piece of moveable property tied by tradition to the family — is still strong in Western culture”.

    The wonderful thing about heirloom diamonds is that they are so versatile. They can be added to other pieces of jewelry or can be reset into a completely new piece. When needed, they can also be sold in order to buy a newer, more modern piece that better suits the purchasers taste. Over time they become much more than a beautiful sparkling stone, they become a piece of history to be passed down from generation to generation-- a true family heirloom.

    If there is a precious piece of jewelry that you or your family owns, you just may want to hold onto it. Someday it may just be priceless too.



  • The Top 5 Engagement Ring Trends That Are Here to Stay

    It’s hard to believe a new year will be here before we know it! The holiday months are typically filled with celebration and champagne, and end of year marriage proposals are no exception. This month we wanted to share our Top 5 engagement ring trends for 2017 that are sure to sparkle their way into the next year.

    Oval Cut Diamonds


    Engagement Eternity Bands


    Halos and Double Halos


    Two-Toned Metals


    Colorful Center Stones


    Which ring is your favorite? Comment below and let us know!
